Case Studies

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    City Reduces Disposal Costs by Replacing Belt Filter Presses with CS26-4 Dewatering Centrifuges

    Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan
    Plant Size: 25 MGD
    Process: MagPrex
    Installation: 2021


    FRWRD Implements MagPrex to Achieve Strict Environmental Standards

    Location: Elgin, Illinois
    Plant Size: 25 MGD
    Process: MagPrex
    Installation: 2021


    UAE Plant Replaces Aging GBTs with Sludge Thickening Centrifuges

    Location: Sharjah Municipality Drainage Department  |  Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
    Plant Size: 79.25 MGD
    Process: THK600 Sludge Thickeners

    Plant Uses Sludge Thickening Centrifuge to Eliminate 50% Transportation Surcharge

    Location: University of Florida  |  Gainesville, Florida
    Plant Size: 3.1 MGD
    Process: THK200 Sludge Thickener

    Plant Replaces Modified Dewatering Centrifuges with Sludge Thickening Centrifuges

    Location: City of Wyoming Clean Water Plant  |  Wyoming, Michigan
    Plant Size: 90 MGD
    Process: THK350 Sludge Thickener

    Plant Uses Sludge Thickening Centrifuge to Thicken WAS Before Digestion

    Location: Whitewater Wastewater Treatment Plant  |  Whitewater, Wisconsin
    Plant Size: 3.65 MGD
    Process: THK200 Sludge Thickener

    Plant Replaces Aging DAFs with Sludge Thickening Centrifuges

    Location: Kenosha Water Utility Wastewater Treatment Plant  |  Kenosha, Wisconsin
    Plant Size: 28 MGD
    Process: THK200 Sludge Thickeners

    The World's Largest Struvite Recovery System

    Location: Metro Water Recovery | Denver, Colorado
    Plant Size: 220 MGD
    Process: MagPrex™
    Awards: Water Environment Federation (WEF) Operational and Design Excellence award for Denver’s Metro Water Recovery Nuisance Struvite and Dewaterability Improvements

    Plant Meets the Lower Phosphorus Discharge Limits set by the State

    Location: Drake Water Reclamation Facility | Fort Collins, Colorado
    Plant Size: 18 MGD
    Process: MagPrex™

    Reduce Lagoon Solids and Phosphorus with CS21-4DT Decanter Centrifuge

    Location: Toledo Dairy | Kuna, Idaho
    Industry: Animal Waste + Manure
    Process: CS Series - DT

    Reduce Lagoon Dredging at a Dairy Farm with a CS26-4DT Centrifuge

    Location: Bettencourt Dairy | Wendell, Idaho
    Industry: Animal Waste + Manure
    Process: CS Series - DT

    Manure Handling System Needed to Recycle Most of the Manure for Flushing

    Location: Deer Valley Dairy | Fort Morgan, Colorado
    Industry: Animal Waste + Manure
    Process: CS Series - DT

    Capture More Biogas with Thermal Hydrolysis

    Location: Kenosha Water Utility Wastewater Treatment Plant  |  Kenosha, Wisconsin
    Plant Size: 28 MGD
    Process: PONDUS THP

    Phosphorus Recovery Alleviates Struvite Buildup

    Location: Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District | Madision, Wisconsin
    Plant Size: 42 MGD
    Process: CalPrex® Pilot Test
    Additional Information: The Water Research Foundation Launches Tailored Collaborative Research Demonstration of CalPrex High Efficiency Phosphorus Recovery

    Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades System for Struvite Recovery

    Location: Little Patxuent Water Reclamation Plant, Howard County | Savage, Maryland
    Plant Size: 25 MGD
    Process: MagPrex™