Sludge Thickener

Centrisys' THK Series Sewage Sludge Thickener is Specifically Engineered to Achieve High-Performance Thickening of Biosolids.


The non-conical design results in greater G-volume, allowing for the highest capacity of flow to the centrifuge for the thickening of sewage sludge at sewage treatment plants. The THK Series Sewage Sludge Thickener improves upon existing technologies using fundamental principles of a 1) Centrifuge - 3,000 Gs, 2) Rotary Drum Thickener - fully enclosed and small footprint, 3) Dissolved Air Flotation (DAFT) - air injection. The patented Hydro-Pneumatic design has proven that NO polymer is required under normal conditions (150 SVI).


  • No-Conical = greater comparative capacity
  • Proprietary hydro-pneumatic control of cake solids
  • Independent control of liquids and solids weir
  • Greater G-volume
  • Proprietary internal polymer injection system (optional)
  • Highest grade materials of construction
  • Proprietary tungsten carbide wear plows for grit and trash

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THK Sludge Thickener Features

  • Proven no polymer required under normal conditions (150 SVI)
  • Smallest and most efficient footprint for given flow rates compared to gravity belt and rotary drum thickening technologies
  • Contained vapor system
  • Expected ROI of 2.5 years due to polymer savings alone
  • Reduced operating and maintenance costs
  • 50% less power consumption compared to standard dewatering centrifuges
  • Reduced installation costs by 35-50% ($/gpm)
  • Simple to operate with minimal operator attention

Sludge Thickener THK Series

THK200 THK200 THK350 THK350 THK600 THK600
Maximum or Average Maximum Average Maximum Average Maximum Average
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 180 125 320 265 765 640
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 250 200 500 425 1,100 800
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 18
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 5,000
Standard Main Drive HP 50 50 75 75 150 150
Standard Scroll Drive HP 10 10 15 15 25 25
Standard Total Installed HP 60 60 90 90 175 175
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 160,000 160,000 332,000 332,000 718,000 718,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 180
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 250
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 18
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 5,000
Standard Main Drive HP 50
Standard Scroll Drive HP 10
Standard Total Installed HP 60
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 160,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 125
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 200
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 18
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 5,000
Standard Main Drive HP 50
Standard Scroll Drive HP 10
Standard Total Installed HP 60
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 160,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 320
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 500
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 21
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 10,800
Standard Main Drive HP 75
Standard Scroll Drive HP 15
Standard Total Installed HP 90
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 332,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 265
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 425
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 21
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 10,800
Standard Main Drive HP 75
Standard Scroll Drive HP 15
Standard Total Installed HP 90
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 332,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 765
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 1,100
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 26
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 27,000
Standard Main Drive HP 150
Standard Scroll Drive HP 25
Standard Total Installed HP 175
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 718,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 640
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 800
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 26
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 27,000
Standard Main Drive HP 150
Standard Scroll Drive HP 25
Standard Total Installed HP 175
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 718,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 180
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 250
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 18
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 5,000
Standard Main Drive HP 50
Standard Scroll Drive HP 10
Standard Total Installed HP 60
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 160,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 125
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 200
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 18
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 5,000
Standard Main Drive HP 50
Standard Scroll Drive HP 10
Standard Total Installed HP 60
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 160,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 320
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 500
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 21
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 10,800
Standard Main Drive HP 75
Standard Scroll Drive HP 15
Standard Total Installed HP 90
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 332,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 265
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 425
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 21
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 10,800
Standard Main Drive HP 75
Standard Scroll Drive HP 15
Standard Total Installed HP 90
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 332,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 765
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 1,100
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 26
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 27,000
Standard Main Drive HP 150
Standard Scroll Drive HP 25
Standard Total Installed HP 175
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 718,000
Feed Flow Rate w/o Polymer* gpm 640
Feed Flow Rate w/ Polymer* gpm 800
Approx. Bowl Diameter in (m) 26
Total Static Weight - Empty lbs (kg) 27,000
Standard Main Drive HP 150
Standard Scroll Drive HP 25
Standard Total Installed HP 175
G-volume Capacity at 3,000 G gal 718,000

Sludge Thickener - THK Series Videos




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