UAE Plant Replaces Aging GBTs with Sludge Thickening Centrifuges
Location: Sharjah Municipality Drainage Department | Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Plant Size: 79.25 MGD
Installation: 2020 (1) THK600 Sludge Thickener and 2023 (1) THK600 Sludge Thickener
- Feed @ 0.5-1.0% TS
- 990 gpm design
- 95% capture
- 0-1 lbs/ton polymer
- 0.09-0.11 kW/gpm
- 5% TS TWAS
The city of Sharjah is undergoing a phase of rapid growth. The plant commissioned a sludge thickening equipment upgrade to handle an increase in the plant's capacity as the two aging GBTs could not handle the increasing flows. The Centrisys THK was chosen because of its ability to significantly reduce polymer consumption and process water and requires minimal operator attention.
- (1) THK600 matched the throughput of (3) RDTs using less than 1/5 of the polymer
- (1) THK600 used less than 5% (1/20th) of the polymer required for (6) GBTs and had a higher TS output
- The THK reduces the plant's carbon footprint
- The 2023 THK600 installation will replace (6) GBTs
- The THK can operate without polymer; the RDTs and GBTs require polymer to operate
- The THK does not require continuous wash water compared to the RDTs and GBTs