PONDUS Thermal Hydrolysis Process Installation at Capital Region Water in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility set to integrate PONDUS for optimized biosolids management in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
KENOSHA, Wis. (November 15, 2023) – Centrisys/CNP, a leading North American manufacturer of decanter centrifuges and advanced biosolids treatment technologies, announced it has been awarded the contract to integrate the PONDUS™ Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP) for Capital Region Water in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as part of the cutting-edge Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWTF) Energy Recovery Improvement Project.
"PONDUS is a Thermal Hydrolysis Process suitable for facilities of any size,” stated Gerhard Forstner, CNP's president. “It enhances the solids loading capacity in digesters, optimizes thermal energy efficiency, generates sustainable energy, and cuts down disposal expenses, all with a low polymer dosage. The process will ensure that the anaerobically digested sludge reaches a flow of 50 gpm and captures 95 percent at 25 percent dry solids. Capital Region Water’s updated system is set for completion in 2024."
Additional attributes of PONDUS THP are that no steam and no pressure are required with this digester pre-treatment process. Plant operators can operate, maintain and repair PONDUS without additional training and certifications. /p>
The Capital Region Water's AWTF is one of the largest and most sophisticated wastewater facilities in the region. The focal point of the project is the AWTF Energy Recovery Improvement. Utilizing methane produced in CRW’s AWTF anaerobic digestion process, the energy is harnessed as fuel for boilers and two 400-HP,combined heat and power units (CHPs) consequently producing electricity sold to the grid. This innovative system, set up in 1984, has not only provided heat for the AWTF campus's anaerobic digesters and buildings but has also significantly contributed to the grid. The ongoing maintenance challenges and available parts required a change.
Incorporating Centrisys/CNP’s PONDUS technology, the AWTF project will entail enhanced thickening of Waste Activated Sludge, integration of alkaline thermal hydrolysis, biogas compression conditioned to pipeline quality, advanced facilities for high-strength waste management, and on-site emergency power generation.
The AWTF project was driven by the increasing need for optimized biosolids management, sustainable energy production, and carbon footprint reduction. A visit to the PONDUS installation at the Kenosha Water Utility in Wisconsin showcased the system’s capabilities and influenced the AWTF's decision to integrate PONDUS. By allying with a local energy provider, the challenge of finding an outlet for the produced energy has been effectively addressed.
Forstner added, “Collaborating with our manufacturer representative, Kappe Associates Inc., and the expert engineers at Arcadis, we're ensuring that Harrisburg’s AWTF harnesses the best of technologies to meet its sustainable goals. Our shared vision is a testament to the commitment we have towards environmental responsibility and community welfare.”
For more information about Centrisys/CNP dewatering centrifuges and sludge hydrolysis treatment, or the view recent installations and company annoucements, visit www.centrisys-cnp.com.