Visit Centrisys/CNP at Booth #829

    WEFTEC 2024  |  Ernest N. Morial Convention Center |  New Orleans, Louisiana
    Monday, October 7 to Wednesday, October 9

    Daily Expert Q&A Sessions

    Monday, October 7 @ 10 a.m.
    MagPrex™ Benefits

    Tuesday, October 8 @ 10 a.m.
    Hydrolysis on Steroids - THK Sludge Thickener & PONDUS™

    Wednesday, October 9 @ 10 a.m.
    To Steam or Not to Steam - That's the Hydrolysis Question

    Advanced Sludge Treatment:
    Municipal and Industrial Processes

    Centrisys is a USA manufacturer of dewatering centrifuges, sludge thickeners and provides global centrifuge service, repair and parts for all decanter centrifuge brands. CNP, a subsidiary of Centrisys, supplies nutrient recovery and advanced biosolids treatment systems for phosphorus removal and recovery and thermal hydrolysis processes. Access our complete portfolio.

    Schedule your WEFTEC Meeting Below